Saturday, November 30, 2013

Castle Mane-ia Review

Hi! Time to review the 3rd episode of the 4th season- Castle Mane-ia!
Let's roll!
The episode begins with Twilight freaking out over that chest from episode 2. 
She can't find anything in the books in Ponyville, and plans to go and raid the Canterlot's library to find something. Celestia sends her a letter telling that she can find some clues in her and Luna's old castle. They go to the castle in the Everfree Forest and stay there for the night.  
On the other side of Ponyville Applejack and Rainbow are competing over the title of the "Most Daring Pony". They decide that they should continue in the old castle, cause Granny Smith once told AJ about the "Shadow Pony" roaming the castle.
Rarity and Fluttershy (and Angel) go to the castle to steal some tapestries. Wow Rarity, taking poor innocent Fluttershy on a theft... -_-
They're all creeped out by the castle (except Twilight. Twilight is a badass), and run all around from the "Shadow Pony" who is actually Pinkie playing a creepy Pipe Organ.  
Loved the Organ parts. Pinkie Pie can play it really, really, well. 
Some melodies were taken from the past episodes, but I'm cool with that.
-Personal Opinion-
•Firstly, I though that the begging of the episode was to rushed. Very rushed. Thor 2 type rushed (Thor 2 was REALLY rushed!).
 •In this season, I noticed that poor Spike gets hurt a lot. Seriously, Twi pushed a pile of book onto him...

Poor guy. 
•When they're in the castle, Spike bumps into an Alicorn HORSE statue. HORSE statue. That really creeped me out. Can you imagine- "My Little Horse: Horse is Horse" 

• Why didn't Celesia warn Twilight about the traps? I think that she just wanted to scare the poop outa her, not help her find that book... 
And I'm pretty sure she would remember if there was something about that chest in the castle library. 
Why Celestia and Luna have a passage full of hooves?! Why?!
• Why did Fluttershy take a baby bunny on a trip into the ruins of an old castle?
•Rarity is a fan of Luna. Did you notice that all the tapestries she wanted were with Luna? I knew the she was a fan...
• Twilight kinda won the "Most Daring Pony" competition. She didn't even blink at those creepy sounds. 
And Twi's spell was really epic and badass:

•The castle wasn't that epic in the 1 Season. Just take a look at this cool dragon: 
Or this cool shot:

Lastly, who was that in the end? 
That looks like Zecora and her strange glowing eyes, but if it's not her, I really hope that they will continue this story. I was expecting to see Batponies, but I'm satisfied with the episode even without them.
-Other Stuff-
I really loved the facial expressions: 
I love that face.
This face make me wanna give Fluttershy a great big hug! :3
I really loved the episode, a little bit to rushed at the beginning, but the small references and awesome moments made it all ok. 
I got a feeling that there will be a LOT, I mean a LOT of shipping after this episode... :D
I'm giving this episode a 9 out of 10. It was radical!
Have a great time!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Leaked Episode

I got a few announcements to make!
Firstly, I thought that my last review wasn't great. Seriously, that summary took up most of the review! With that in mind, I'm planning to re-review the season premier!

ancient castle ruins ahoy!

Secondly, the 3rd episode (Castle-mania) is online! It somehow leaked, and in surprisingly fine quality!
I'm not posting a review until it's aired on Saturday (even though I really want to!).
I can only say that Castle-mania is
 pretty cool, but it had some points that disappointed me... Love the end though!
Well, if you want to watch it, the episode is easily found on the interwebz, because I'm not posting any links yet either!
Have a jolly good day/night!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Season 4 Episode 1,2 Review

Before I start with the review, I'd like to update some things and make some changes!
Few posts ago I mentioned about my Pony of the Season tradition. The pony in the surprise capsule is.....drum roll..... TWILIGHT SPARKLE! 

Which is convenient- I've got a feeling we will be getting a lot of Twilight in this season!
Speaking of which- now that it started, I'll have material to review every week! I'll do my best to post reviews on Saturdays but mostly Sundays!
Let's get started with the review!
If you haven't seen the episodes, you can find the links on my previous post.

The episode starts with Rainbow Dash helping Twilight with her flying. I was waiting for that part for a long time, the idea of Twilight Sparkle flying always made me laugh.
She's really annoyed because her friends call her "Princess". After that, Twilight tries to fly again, at which she succeeds for a few seconds, but the fails miserably and crashes.
In the next few scenes we see that she's uncomfortable with her new royal duties, cause' she can't hang around with her BPFF's in Ponyville for the time being.
Princess Celestia and Luna were captured but crazy murderous plants that evening, thus, there was no one to raise or lower the moon and sun. 

Twilight flies home because those exact same plants are attacking Ponyville, and scaring the animals, sending crazy OP spikey clouds, and making unicorns loose control of their magic by adding more sparkles into it!

They think it's all Discords fault, but it's not! DUN DUN DUUNN
We then find out that stuff's getting to creepy even for Zecora, who moves to Ponyville, and conveniently taken a potion that can save them all.

she's onto something

After drinking it, Twilight gets flashbacks of epic events like:
-Luna turning into Nighmare Moon

-Celestia banishing Nightmare

epic laser battle
-Discord ruling Equestria
-First use of the Elements of Harmony

 -That time when Luna and Celestia found the Elements of Harmony on a cool tree and then kinda stole them...

The ponies go into the Everfree Forest to find that tree to save it from some unknown threat, but then they decide that Twilight should return home because she's a princess now, and if she dies there won't be anyone to rule Equestria if Celestia and Luna won't turn up.
Twilight sadly returns to Ponyville, where Discord meets her and motivates her not to give up and follow her friends in a rather mean fashion. Oh well, Discord's Discord!
Twilight runs to find her friends, but then gets attacked by some flowers. The ponies save her, and then go find the magical Tree of Harmony.
The Tree is all...well... gross and drippy...

Twilight understands that they need to give up their elements to save the tree. And she takes the gemstones from the necklaces and her tiara and puts them into the tree.
Applejack didn't agree at first, since the Elements is what connects them, but Twilight reassures her that it's their friendship what keeps them together.

We learn an important lesson at that moment- Twilight says that even though she's a princess now, and she has royal duties, they will always be together, no matter what.
After returning the gems into the tree, the evil plants dissolve, and Princess Celestia and Luna are freed from their bushie prisons.

After a round of hugs, ponies see that the tree sprouts a flower, which is actually a box with 6 locks. Even Celestia doesn't know whats inside, but she know that "it's a mystery you (Twilight) won't be solving on your own"

I think I can guess what the finale will be about....
Discord then explains that those crazy plants where his, and he planted them 1000 years ago to capture Celestia and Luna, but it took then too long to grow... silly old Discord.
In the end Twilight preforms a perfect Sonic Twilightboom...? on the summer sun celebration.
Happy End!
Finally done with the summary
Traditional MLP animation. There's nothing to say.
One thing that impressed me was the awesome lightning.

Check out how cool their manes look in this magical white light.
And I'd like to point out the new intro. 
First we see good ol' Twilight, but them BOOM, she's a alicorn and there's a lot of other ponies standing with the main 6. Luna's standing next to Celestia when she reads the letter from Twi.
Really interesting story. I like how we see Twilight with her new title. I love how they made her react to her newfound princesshood. If it was some simple girly show, Twilight would be happy, prancing, wearing gowns and crowns. But the opposite is right- Twilight is worried, even scared by her new duties, she constantly worries if she will manage to handle things, she even given up wearing her grown! Why, she even took the gem out of it!
One more thing that amazed me was Celestia's feelings. We, fans, always portrayed Celestia in constant sadness, but the show never really explored that part. Now we see how painful it was for her to banish her own sister, how hard it was to see her subjects rejoice, while she was overwhelmed with pain. We actually see her admitting that.
-Personal Opinion-
I extremely loved the episodes. I loved that we got to see the past of Equestria, Luna, Celestia and Discord.
That part when Big Mac was trying to get rid of the weeds, and was constantly saying "yep" and "nope" made me laugh hysterical. These two episode took over the first place on my "Epic Pony Episode" list.
I personally enjoyed the premier. I'm giving it 11 out of 10. It's badass and awesome and radical and just great.
I really hope that the rest of the season will be as cool as the premier!
How did you like the episodes? Tell me in the comments! :D
Have a nice day/night!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Links for episode 1 and 2


Short post! 
For those who haven't watched it on TV, or didn't catch it, here are some YouTube links:
Season 4 Episode 1 part 1
Season 4 Episode 1 part 2
                                        Full Episode 
I'll be posting the review(s) tomorrow. Promise.
Have fun! 

Friday, November 22, 2013


Double post day!
Just a few minutes ago I was thinking about what I should do before watching the premier tomorrow, and that made me think about traditions. I don't know about you people, but I have LOTS of traditions concerning My Little Pony and other series I watch.
Personally, Saturday is the day I look forward to all week. My beacon of hope. The everlasting hope that things aren't so bad.
Which is why it's important that the 22 minutes of MLP are perfect. Especially the premier or finale.
The Great List of Things I Do Before Watching My Little Pony:
    - Draw something connected with the upcoming or ending season.
    - SNACKS!!!
    - Wear something related to the show
    - Have a show-related backgound on computer and iphone
    -  Have Plushies with me
    -  Put balloons everywhere

• Usial Episodes
    - Take over the comfiest spot on the couch
    - Snack. Duh.
    -  Sing Theme song before watching
    - Watch a random episode after finished watching the current one
    - Text every person I know and say how much I love MLP
    -  Sit in despair, thinking how I'll have to wait for a week until the next episode

I can't remember anything else, but there is this one tradition I love the most: picking the "Pony Of the Season" 
Every season I do it differently, this year I'm doing it the most interesting way possible for me.
I bought the My Little Pony Chupa Chups chocolate ball thingy with a pony figure inside. I'll open the capsule with the pony tomorrow before the premier, and the pony inside will be my Pony of the Year! I haven't got a clue who it will be. I'm very exited!
Do you have any traditions? What are you feelings about the upcoming season? Tell me in the comments!
Have a great time!

Double Rainboom Review

Huzzah! The new post I promised is here.
I'm reviewing something special today, Double Rainbow, the first fan made episode.
If you don't know what it is, go see it here!

It's written and directed by Zachary Rich, but be sure to check out the full cast. The story is interesting- "After drinking a strange potion Twilight made that enhances a pony's special talent, Rainbow Dash creates a sonic rainboom that breaks the barriers of time and space and goes on an adventure that transcends entire dimensions"
Now, let's get on with the review!
As I said, the story of the episode is interesting. I really enjoyed the multiple references throughout the episode. Even at one point Rainbow Dash is chased by the Power Puff Girls.

 I won't give out anything in case you haven't watched it before! In a few words, Rainbow drinks the potion, travels to a different dimension, then gets saved by Pinkie Pie, and returns back too Equestria. It's a bit rushed in the end though...
David Gruwier Larsen is responsible for the music. Some pieces were very memorable and cheerful. Though my non-brony friend noticed that there was a bit to much background music. I agree, most of the movements,expressions and actions are followed by various sounds. That can get a bit annoying...
-Animation and art-
Must admit, the animation is so good, that at sometimes it was hard to believe that Double Rainboom is a fan made project. of course, there were some minor flaws, but they're barely noticeable.
I really loved the backgrounds and puppets. They really added some sort of awesomeness to the episode!
-Personal opinion-
I enjoyed  Double Rainboom, the references, crazy (in a good way) parts, and the huge amounts of Rainbow Dash made this episode treat! 
Considering everything, I would give Double Rainboom a 7.5 out of 10. 


Hahah! Season 4 is almost here! I can barely wait. Preparations must be made, popcorn must be bought! 

There will be lots of marathons, livestreams and online parties for the next 48 hours!
Personally, I'm having a party of one- me :,( 
But if I bring my plushies and my dog (whom I suspect of being a big fan. She licks all my collectables  0_O ), I will at least have some company!
If you want to know how many hours, minuets and seconds are left until the premier, check out this countdown
Only 21 hours, 54 minutes, 47 seconds to go......

Have a GREAT, AMAZING premier tomorrow! See you later!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hi there!
Firstly, I'd like to apologize for not posting for quite some time. After the craziness with my exams ends, I will try to post more often!
In fact, I will be posting a review of a certain fan work! I'm sure that I'll manage to put it up until the premier this Saturday.
Speaking of which, WHO'S EXITED?!! I'm sure everyone are! Despite that there are still 4 days remaining, I feel as if Saturday's tomorrow..... :|
How did you handle this loooooong wait, which lasted almost a year? Did you avoid spoilers, or you watched and red anything connected with season 4? We waited for so long, went through so much, and now these 4 days seem the hardest and longest of them all.
Well, I'll keep all my deep season 4 philosophy for Friday, when I'll post something about the upcoming joy. Until then, my dear readers, goodnight. Or day.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Plushie Review

Hi again!
A few days ago I got my hands on these sweeties:

Since everybody loves plushies and ponies, I'll review them now.
Before getting them l wasn't sure if they would be as good as they were on the pictures, but l was wrong. The material is soft and nice (my plushies smell like candy and flowers), i haven't washed them yet, so i don't
know what will happen to them after that. The manes are brushable. Pinkie's mane is particularly awesome because it's so poofy and curly. Cutie marks are well-made, and in two words- the toys are great.  
I really like the eyes: they are show-like and nicely done. The eyes stare into your soul..... O-O
But what disappointed me was Twilight's horn. As you can see on the picture, the horn is, well, weird. The material it's made of is sparkly (in a bad way) and a bit cheap-ish...
-Fun Factor-
When l get a brushable pony (or anything), the first thing l do is style the hair, l can do that for ages. I spent hours to make Pinkie's mane even poofier then it already was. Don't get me started on Twiligh. Personaly, this provided me lots of fun time! 
And you can hug the ponies- that will cheer up anyone.
Recreating the episodes is something you can do with action figures, but if you have a plushie AND a plastic pony, you can make up lots of scenarios, like the plushie is a huge, fluffy clone and others try to stop it from destroying the world with it's cuteness. You imagination is the limit!

The plushies are really good, almost flawless. I would give them a 9 out of 10 for being awesome.
Bye, have a great day/night! 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Short Pinkie Pie Review

Pinkie Pie- the most random character in the show.

Hi, by the way.
With every episode I watch (with Pinkie being a part of it) I become more confused with her character, so let's review her.
"Pinkie Pie is a free spirit who prances to the beat of her own drum. Actually, she prances to the sound of her own singing. She's playful and full of energy. She can talk till the ponies come home. She loves to invent silly songs, giggle, skip, and make her friends laugh"- Hubworld description.
She parties and laughs, and so do everypony next to her. She can be really silly, but understand wise lessons at the same time.
You all know who she is and her random habits. What disturbs me though are her "abilities"- Pinkie can somehow predict the future with the pinkie sense, kinda like Spider-Man. This isn't explained in the show clearly, and you're left to your theories.
I can bravely say that despite Pinkie's randomness she outsmarts most ponies. I always get the feeling that she knows more, but just pretends to have only parties on her mind...
time for conspiracy theories..... I'm onto her... 
Sorry for the short post, and have a magical day/night.