Sunday, October 5, 2014

Rainbow Rocks Non-Spoiler Review!

Hey guys! This is the NON-SPOILER review. Here I'll spoil it as little as possible, but still tell you the good, the bad and naturally, my personal opinion! Let's jam! 
First of all, let's start with the storyline- Canterlot Highschool is in danger when 3 mysterious girls challenge everyone to a battle of the bands. This is the best I can do, so go google it if my synopsis isn't very informative, but I'm sure by now all of us know what's the deal with Rainbow Rocks. Anyway, when at first I thought this was a very weak idea, but it turned out better then I expected. I really liked that it was really smooth but the "in the face" end was horrible! It was so bad that I can't concentrate on the good stuff! Something else I also hated was the how poorly they explained everything, for example, WHY DID THE GIRLS SPONTANEOUSLY GROW EARS AND TAILS WHENEVER THEY PLAY MUSIC? That was quite explained, just like that wonderful ending...
Now let's take a look at the characters. 
We have our bad guys- The Dazzlings- Adiago Dazzle, Aris Blaze and Sonata Dusk.  human mane 6, who you all know and love, and Sunset Shimmer! 
Yes, Sunset's there. I honestly think that she's the only good character in this movie - she's got depth! In Rainbow Rocks everyone's hatin on her because of her past, ahem boo boos... (wink wink), even her new friends can't really get over it. This leads to some awkward moments which shows Sunset Shimmer's strength. I really loved that throughout the movie everybody looked up to Twilight as their own personal savio and left Sunset out, but in the end, she's the one who gets things done. With the MAGIC OF FRIENDSHIP of course...
Speaking of Twilight. I'd like to give her some credit too. Like the mane 6, we expect her to be the one with the answers, but here she pretty much, hate to say it, useless. Yes, she has little purpose (though she was given the task to defeat the villans...) but I loved seeing her feeling the pressure of being the problem-solver. Quite the mix- Twlight, the majestic princess, being kinda useless and the ex-villain Sunset the one to save everyone. 
The human girls are are shallow as usually, so I won't waste your time on them. 
We did get a scene back in Ponyville with our favorite equines which included that crystal "FRIENDSHIP" tree-castle... I can assure you, it wasn't a lot. Trust me. 
Now that we covered the characters (I think), let's move to the technical stuff. 
I'm useless at animating, so anything that's draw and moving is pure magic any mystery to me. So even if the animation is somehow full of flaws, I think it's nice, not much of a critic there...
But we also have have the songs. The songs I can't spoil, because, come on, the soundtrack was out for ages now. Go listen to it! 
The songs are what I liked. The voices were amazing, the lyrics were wonderful the melodies were catchy! I mean, have you heard Trixies song, Tricks up my sleeve?! It's great! (Trixie was great (badumtssssssss) in this movie, but I'll save that for the other review). 
Yes, this movie has it's flaws, but it's for kids, I never expected much. But even for a kids movie about singing horse-girls, this did well! If you're still thinking if you should watch it or not, I telling you- watch it, it's not that bad, nothing close to the original series, but not bad! 
Oh and there will be a third movie according to the post-credits scene...
All in all, I think this movie sucks. Yes, like a said, it had good characters and music, but that's it! It takes more than that to make a good movie, even for kids! 
BUT. I always keep in mind that the target audience were kids, so I can't really take it seriously. Though that fact doesnt stop Rainbow Rocks from being a fine kid's flick. I'm giving this movie a 5 out of 10 and a dying hope that the next movie will be better...
Well, thanks for bearing with me on this non-spoiler journey! Have jolly good day, my friend, have a jolly good day! 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Coming back.

Dear people, I must tell you about the creature that awoke me from my slumber! This thing, this... monster... is called RAINBOW ROCKS. 
Yes, you heard me, RAINBOW ROCKS. I was blissful sleeping without any purpose or care, now that season 4 ended, when BAZAM! this appeared. 
If you don't know what Rainbow Rocks is, it's an Equestria Girls sequel, or just go google it or something. 
Now to the juicy part. It's true that there are cam versions of Rainbow Rocks, but most of them are deleted cause of our dear Hasbro. You got 2 choices- 
1. Wait until the official version will be out. (Mid-October I think) 
2. Search good enough and be come a pirate. 

Now, since I'm such a great reviewer and person in general (and modest too), I'll do a spoiler-free review first, for all the people who didn't watch it! 
Until then my darlings, until then!