Friday, May 9, 2014

Rambling about a spoilery clip!

Ok, this is the post I promised!
But beware, SPOILERS!!!! I'll talk about the here.
Now, among these spoiler-y clips I like the one with Tirek. Here it is, if you want to watch it...

Anyway, this is the spoiler zone... so yea
Now, lemme chew on this small clip.
First of all- fairy lights.
Why not all move to equestria where they have pwetty fairy lights in every dark street, but they can't protect you from magic-sucking goats. 

awwww so peaceful.....

And yes, I know that Tirek is a demon-Minotaur, but he seriously looks like a funky goat. 

Secondly, Tirek. 
Back in the time he was a buff evil guy and he was legitimately huge, twice the pony size! 
But now, man, he looks like a shrimp goat. Or a hipster goat. I bet he bought that snazzy cloak of his in a thrift shop. Or his BFF Trixie lent it to him for that FABULOUS  ENTRANCE into the villainous world...
And did you see how he consumes power?! Seriously? Sucking magic? :/

the resemblance is mind-blowing

Thirdly, what's up with that first victim, the ponydude with a minecraft cutie-mark? Let's think it through:
*Le you walking down a dark by fairy-light-illuminated alley*
*mysterious cloaked figure appears*
Instead of running away, this guy says something just, just... UGH!
woah, watch out guys, we got Captain Obvious on our hooves! 
I mean, who says that? Any sane pony or human or and life form would just walk away or just pretend that you forgot something and turn around a go back to that place where you bought dem oranges! And I know that it's hard to escape an evil, magic-sucking, hipster goat, but at least you wouldn't leave a mark in pony history as "the guy who says obvious and stoopid things".
Lastly, watch out Zecora, Tirek is your nemesis! How fun it is to have such an unusual villain! Let me again show you the awesomeness of lord Tirek IN A LIST!  (you didn't expect that, did you?):

-hipster, or at least has some fashion sense 
- talks as if no one is listening 
-loves dramatic moments 
-British-y accent 
-is BFFs with the A-list ponies 
-lived in Tartarus (probably) 
-appears out of nowhere
-introduces himself before turning you into a useless pony-blob
- can read minds
-loves oranges

Yep, I'm pretty sure he loves em'. Why else would he attack that dude? He wanted dem juicy, sweet, tasty oranges...mmmmmmm
Regarding all this I can say that the premier will be incredibly stupendous and epic. I can't wait to see my fave new goat! 
What are YOU doing? I know I'll be having a badass party with popcorn cookies and stuff... alone.... :,(
Well, guess it'll be a party of one then! Better grab me some boulders and turnips and flour sacks to fell less alone...
You know what's the saddest part? I have a party hat for myself! I can see it now- me eating popcorn in a pink party hat with rainbows watching talking ponies defeat all-consuming goats. 
That's a way to spend a Saturday night! 

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