Rocks. This post is a rock. The world is a rock.
When Maud comes to Ponyville with shocks everypony rocks. And everypony receives a rock of her personality:
So Pinkie is excited cause her sis, Maud is coming. She's making lots of rock candy to create a necklace to exchange with Maud, and she wants her friends to do so too, cause they're all gotta be BFF's.
• Flutters finds out that her pet is a rock. Well that's a surprise!
• Rarity sees that Maud has a "rocky" fashion taste.
• RD is taken back by her ability to throw rocks.
• Twi feels the deep emotions of her poetry. About rocks.
• AJ opens for herself a new way of peeling apples - by throwing a rock on it!
Well, everyone sees that they have nothing in common, so Pinkie decides to make an awesome obstacle course! But she gets stuck in a rock, and seconds till death, Maud saves her with her badass rock-shredding powers.
Anyway, they explain that to Maud and she agrees with them.
In the end they all eat rock candy necklaces.
I honestly this that they could easily fit in a nice song.
I wonder what it would be about.... let me guess - rocks.
I like rocks. I like this episode.
One thing I'd like to highlight one thing- Maud's poetry.
If I was a poet, I would write poems about rocks.
Rock. Rock.
The world is a rock.
A rock is spinning around a rock.
Why is this rock a rock?
Oh, rock, why are you like so?
Rock. Rock.
We are a rock.
How can we be a rock,
If the rock is us?
The rock is everywhere.
Rock. Rock.
Maybe I should seriously consider poetry...
Rock. Rock out of Rock.
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