Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Trade Ya! Review

Heh, it's been a long time, hasn't it? It's not my fault I caught the lazyflu....
Anyway, it time to review, and I ain't escapin' this.
After a horrible pony-less week we receive this little gem- Trade Ya!
So all princesses except Twi are too lazy to go all the way to Rainbow Falls, so they all send Twi to look over the Traders Exchange.
Basically, at the exchange you take your old and boring stuff and trade it for someone's else old boring stuff. 
Just like in Castle-Mane-ia the band breaks up in 3 pairs:
AJ and Rarity pile up their stuff to have lots of stuff to trade for one thing one of them likes (which, if you ask me, is a super stoopid idea, because one will be left with a cool thing and the other one will be left with nothing);

Pinkie promotes Twilight's books;

RD and Fluttershy go through a series of painful trades to get a book. 
As a result, Rarity and AJ fight over old and boring stuff, Pinkie's campaign gets out of hand, and well RD... RD trades a two-headed dog and Fluttershy for and old book.   -_-

In the end Twi must use her supreme princess power to sort out this chaos and get poor Fluttershy back.

I honestly don't know why I keep including this into my review, there wasn't any songs and I don't really pay attention to background music (except Luna's theme, that thing's awesome)
-Personal Opinion-
Nice ep. I'd really like to take part in that trade thing, cause you don't really need money for that. But to be completely honest, if I were to become a crab, I would be like this guy here

I would also like to point this out: did anyone else notice a pony who looked like an OC?

 Well, I'm to lazy to write all the stuff down so why don't you give EquestriaDaily a visit and read it here

 Should I even mention this pony face? 

 Or this? Am I the only one creeped out by this??


I think this episode was good, but not perfect. Yes, it had those awesome comical moments, but I'm saving the ''10'' for later... 9.5 out of 10