Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Rainbow Falls review

Despite that it's winter (it is here anyway!), this episode kept our hearts warm. Yes, I know it wasn't anything sweet like, let's say, Sisterhooves Social, but it was something!

Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Bulk Biceps (aka "Snowflake") are going to the tryouts for the aerial relay event at the Equestria Games in Rainbow Falls. Pinkie and Twi are their cheerleaders and AJ is their...cook? ... that's a one winning team.
Anyway, in the camp that meet lots of other teams, the Wonderbolts being one of them. Seriously, why are they letting the best athletes and flyers in Equestria compete among common pegasi?

Soarin injures his wing while training and he can't fly with them for now. But sneeky Spitfire sees how awesome RD is and is all like "Yo Dash, ya so cool, you gotta` totally train with us and stuff cause we're so totally cool and stuff so yea. And look at our totally cool shades while we put them on with our hooves and go all #swag" (I'm pretty sure that's what they said...)



Dash joins them and trains with both teams. Twilight finds out about everything and goes: "Yo RD,  wassup with dat double life of yours? You gotta totally decide! Imma won't tell you anythin' but I'm hinting that you should leave dem Wonderbolts dude"
She decides that she won't decide and fakes her injuries and joins Soarin in the hospital. Nice.

Soarin is all like "Yo Dash, your friends are real nice. My "friends" didn't visit me once!"
Twi is onto her, again, and says: "Choosing not to choose doesn't solve the problem bro" and RD goes "Wut? I don't know whatcha talkin' 'bout!" But then she understands, and reveals her lies...
Oh, and her team finds a replacement- DERPY! 

At that moment, thousands of fans shouted in unison, chatrooms, forums, Twitter, Facebook, EVERYTHING exploded! 
Anyway, Soarin and RD return, both teams qualify for the games, and everything's great.
The thing is- Spitfire gives RD her Wonderbolts badge, which, back in Ponyville shines with a multicolored light the same way the spool of thread shone...  

Nice background music, no songs, but still very pleasant 
-Personal Opinion-
Loved the episode. 
I like that we saw character development. We all know that Dash is the element of loyalty  and stuff, but we need proof.  And despite that we learned the similar lesson in WonderBolt Academy, but it was still very nice to see that again. 
And all the scenes with Bulk Biceps were soo sweet and nice.

Yeah, this episode is one of my favorites! 
The episode was fine. 9.8 out of 10.
Have a cool day/night.

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